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*The Client must read and understand these terms before entering into a Commission Agreement with the Artist. Once the Client enters into a Commission Agreement with the Artist, it is assumed the Client has agreed to all Terms and Conditions.These Terms and Conditions are subject to revision without notice.
1. Definitions
Artist: The individual providing the Commission (Ikaiz ,Mayo)Client: The individual purchasing the Commission.Commission: The form of service provided by the Artist to the Client per the Commission Agreement. (“Commission,” “Art[work],” “Image[ry],” and “Project[s]” are used interchangeably herein and in Commission correspondence.)Commission Agreement: The discussion, documented via email (or via any other communication service, e.g. Discord), in which the Artist and the Client agree to the subject matter and type of Commission to be produced, the Commission price, the point in time in which the Artist is expected to commence in Start of Work, and – if applicable – the Commission deadline, early termination circumstances, rush fees, and/or whether or not the Commission can be immediately displayed on the Artist’s portfolio.
Start of Work: The point in time by which the Client has approved the Artist to start work on the Commission (i.e. The price quote is approved by the Client and the first invoice is paid, this is when the Artist begins to create the Commission).Commercial Purpose: Any image or project to be commissioned that does not fall under the type of use specified in these Terms of Service. New Terms of Service may be developed and agreed upon in a Commercial Purpose Commission Agreement prior to Start of Work.
2. Required Client Information
Communication: Client must have an Email where they can be reached.Other form of Contact: (i.e /discord/twitter)Age: Refer to Term 9.
3. Payment
Payment will either be half up front and the rest when the Commision is finished or payment in full before Start of Work.On special occasions a payment plan can be discussed to help fund the Commision.
4. Terms
1. The Artist hereby sells or transfers the Commission to the Client at the agreed value written in the Commission Agreement prior to the Start of Work.2. The Artist has the right to refuse any Commission request, without needing to explain the reason.3. The Artist reserves the right to stop work on a Commission, or cancel a Commission request due to poor communication, rude/inappropriate behavior or a breach of these Terms of Service.4. If at any point the Client has failed to respond to messages or status updates provided by the Artist for a period of longer than one month, the contract may be rendered void and further work will require renegotiation.5. The Artist will not create any depiction of sexually explicit materials, fetishes, or any form of hateful or racist imagery.6. The Artist will not reproduce a copyrighted image or character without consent of its copyright owner, and as it pertains to the Copyright Laws.7. The Client must specify the content of their Commission to the best of their ability prior to a Commission Agreement. A complex Commission may incur additional illustration fees, to be defined and agreed upon in the Commission Agreement prior to Start of Work.8. If the Commission is time-sensitive, a rush fee may be applied, to be defined and agreed upon in the Commission Agreement prior to Start of Work.9. If the Client is under 18, the Client must supply contact information for a parent or guardian. The Artist reserves the right to contact the parent/guardian of an under-aged Client, to ensure that there is no breach in the Terms of Service, and the Client is able to pay for the Commission.
10. Digital art Commissions will be provided to the Client via email or an online download location in (VSFSDK,UnityPackage) format; this does not include the Commission native files (e.g., .Blend, Fbx, spp, etc.), unless agreed upon in the Commission Agreement, or thereafter, the Client obtains written permission from the Artist.11. Refunds may only be issued if the Client notifies the Artist prior to Start of Work. No refunds will be issued after Start of Work, nor will a refund be issued before or after Start of Work if any of these Terms of Service are breached. Additionally, the Artist has the right to revoke access to, and stop work of, the Commission at any time after Start of Work if these Terms of Service are breached.12. The Client agrees that it shall not hold Artist or any agent thereof liable for any damages arising from Artist’s failure to complete the Work in a timely manner, regardless of whether such failure was caused by intentional or negligent acts or omissions of the Artist or of any third party.13. If the Client files for an unwarranted Chargeback, the Artist has the right to revoke all access to the Commision and retain the copyrighted artwork for resale. The Artist retains the right to warn others of the Clients actions to
5. Usage/Copyright
1. If the Commission is defined as confidential in the Commission Agreement, the Artist will temporarily delay public display of the image at the request of the Client and as defined in the Commission Agreement until such time the Commission Agreement specifies public display is permitted. A Client may not request the Artist to complete a Commission without defining the timespan in the Commission Agreement to eventually allow the Artist to publicly display the image.2. The client may not edit, alter, or trace the Commission without the Artist’s expressed, written permission, or as agreed upon in the Commission Agreement prior to Start of Work.3. The Client may display the Commission in Profiles as long as the Artist’s name (Ikaiz, Ikaiz3D, Mayo, MayoCube) is prominently displayed.4. Digital art Commissions will be provided to the Client via email or an online download location in (VSFSDK,UnityPackage) format; this does not include the Commission native files (e.g., .Blend, Fbx, spp, etc.), unless agreed upon in the Commission Agreement, or thereafter, the Client obtains written permission from the Artist.5. If the Commission is for Commercial Purpose, the Artist must be notified prior to the Start of Work. Commercial use of the Commission will be decided on a case-by-case basis. New Terms of Service may be written and agreed upon in a Commercial Purpose Commission Agreement before the Start of Work.If the Commission is at a later time introduced for a Commercial Purpose, the Artist must be notified and agree upon usage prior to Commercial use.
6. The Client may request a preview of the Commission at any time during the creation process, but may not request changes to the Commission after Start of Work, unless a change process is agreed upon in the Commission Agreement prior to Start of Work.7. Refunds may only be issued if the Client notifies the Artist prior to Start of Work. No refunds will be issued after Start of Work, nor will a refund be issued before or after Start of Work if any of these Terms of Service are breached.Additionally, the Artist has the right to revoke access to, and stop work of, the Commission at any time after Start of Work if these Terms of Service are breached.8. The Client will not permit any use of the Commission or misuse the Artist’s name in any way which would reflect discredit on her reputation as an artist, or which would violate the good spirit of the Commission.9. The Client agrees that it shall not hold Artist or any agent thereof liable for any damages arising from Artist’s failure to complete the Work in a timely manner, regardless of whether such failure was caused by intentional or negligent acts or omissions of the Artist or of any third party.
10. Under no circumstances may the Client submit a Commission to any kind of online or offline contest.11. The Artist reserves the right to collaborate with, or supervise, other artists to deliver the Commission.